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引领成长 共筑梦想




Guilin Changsheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. was established in 2001 and owns Guilin Changsheng Education Investment Co., Ltd. With a solid foundation in development quality, steady growth in scale, and positive growth expectations, the company has been innovating and integrating resources from the education and real estate industries to achieve the development of "education empowering real estate and real estate integrating education" since its establishment over 20 years ago. In 2011, the company founded the Foreign Language School attached to Guangxi Normal University(Tieshan Branch), which was officially renamed Guilin Guolong Foreign Languages School in April 2020. In the same year, it founded a 12-year integrated school - Guilin Shangxian School in Lingui District.



Guilin Guolong Foreign Language School is a Model Comprehensive High School in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Situated on the east bank of the Li River and at the Longmen Bridge, the school covers nearly 240 acres and boasts first-class educational facilities. It is a complete secondary school with a focus on foreign languages. The name of the school implies: "Next to Guilin's Longmen Bridge, we cultivate students who take the revitalization of the Chinese nation as their own responsibility and have an international perspective. We strive to develop into a leading school in the local national basic education field."



励精办学 师生共进 




The school offers junior and senior high school programs, and offers direct admission to some top foreign universities. With over 500 staff members, over 80 classes, and nearly 4000 students, the school upholds the correct educational philosophy, showcasing a prominent educational feature and outstanding achievements. It is an advanced collective in the national education system, a national Chinese international promotion high school internship base, an excellent school for innovation in Guangxi science and technology education, a model unit for invention and creativity in Guangxi, and a construction unit for four sample schools such as English. It has become a quality student source base for over 30 "double first-class" construction universities and first-class discipline construction universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Nanjing University.



The school boasts a robust team of dedicated and caring teachers who excel in nurturing students. With over 300 frontline educators employed, representing more than 20 provinces and cities across the country, the majority of them hold mid- to senior-level positions, and all possess bachelor's or master's degrees or higher. The teacher team practices mentorship, where experienced educators guide and train newcomers through the master-apprentice system, Qinglan Project, Shenlan Project, and Mingshi Project. This approach has gradually fostered a number of key individuals in various disciplines. The school atmosphere is characterized by a deep respect for teachers and a love for students, fostering unity and progress.








Since the school started operating in Zisihan Road in 2011, more than 2,000 students have been admitted to "double first-class" universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Renmin University of China. Additionally, over 400 students have been accepted into the top 200 universities in the world according to the Times Higher Education rankings. Since its establishment in Tienshan Garden, the school has increased its focus on cultivating top-tier innovative talents. It has achieved a total of 11 silver medals and 23 bronze medals in academic competitions. Over 200 students in the five major academic Olympiad competitions have won first prizes in provincial-level competitions. A third-year student, Guan Ziqin, was recognized by Tsinghua University's Qiu Chengtong Leading Program in 2022, and will pursue a direct path from undergraduate to postgraduate and doctoral studies. Furthermore, the school has achieved significant success in technological innovation and sports and arts, with over 100 students receiving awards at the municipal level or above.





以文化人 活动育人 



The school has thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the party's educational policy, established morality and nurtured students' characters, established a moral education leadership group with the principal as the leader, and implemented a moral education management system of the party, government, labor and youth leagues. A "One, Two, Three, Four, Five" characteristic moral education model and a whole-person education curriculum system of "Virtue, Erudition, Practice, Innovation" have been formed to lay a solid foundation for students' comprehensive development, individual development, harmonious development, and lifelong development.



The school adheres to the principle of cultivating people through culture and activities, enlightening minds, promoting virtue and beauty. The student clubs are colorful, with nearly 30 student clubs such as English Association, Youth Volunteer Association, Literature Club, and Broadcasting Station. The activities are diverse, with a wide range of student participation and good social influence. The school has monthly theme activities, forming a brand activity course of "Four Festivals, One Month, One Evening Party". Club culture and festival culture have become important platforms for school-specific education and important components of campus culture construction. The school implements the five educations simultaneously, promotes integrated education, adheres to whole-person education, improves the quality and efficiency of education, creates a new educational ecology, cultivates new talents for the era, and these measures have been widely recognized and promoted.


学贯中西 敢为人先



The school emphasizes research-based development, focusing on the practice and research of "innovative and efficient teaching" to enhance students' core competencies, promote teachers' professional development, and achieve sustainable and high-quality development of the school, comprehensively promoting the connotative development of the school. Continuously deepen the reform of education and teaching, implement stratified and classified teaching and the reform of the student-centered teaching mode in high school Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages; Emphasize scientific and technological innovation education, actively build platforms for innovative education and project-driven teaching practices, focusing on improving students' spirit of innovation and practical abilities; Actively explore international education, continuously accumulate experience in international exchanges, innovate curriculum, teaching, and evaluation methods, learn from advanced educational concepts abroad, promote students to broaden their international horizons, enhance their international understanding ability, highlight the consolidation of foreign language advantages; Take the construction of the sample school base of high school English in Guangxi as a starting point, actively carry out research and reform of English teaching, create excellent cases, build teaching resource libraries, cultivate students' key competencies and core English skills; Emphasize the cultivation of top students in subjects, optimize curriculum resources, strengthen the construction of mentor teams, improve training and evaluation methods, try AP course teaching, and deliver a large number of top talents to universities nationwide.



The school has formulated an implementation plan for the school curriculum reform under the "Three New" background of new courses, new textbooks, and new college entrance examinations. Among the course selection and teaching plans, the school plans to offer all 12 course combinations, respecting students' individual differences, expanding students' learning autonomy and choice, meeting the needs of different potential students' learning, comprehensively implementing the teaching approach of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and promoting students' comprehensive and individual development, improving the quality of education and teaching. This plan is being implemented in an orderly manner. Currently, students at our school can choose from 10 different combinations of course selection and teaching models, respecting students' choices, so that students can rest assured and parents can rest assured. The school is earnestly implementing the specific implementation plan for the new curriculum reform, actively following up on the new compulsory education curriculum plan and curriculum standards, keeping pace with the times, and developing for the future.



The school is committed to building a three-in-one educational and teaching support system that combines organizational leadership, demonstration guidance, and policy support. It adheres to the cultivation of "double leaders" and has the principal stay in the front line of teaching and research, leading the school's continuous development.



Guilin Guolong Foreign Languages School is responsible for the lifelong development of students, and aims to deliver high-quality middle school students who are well-rounded, have sound personalities, excel in their specialties, excel in foreign languages, dare to innovate, and dare to take responsibilities. The school strives to lay the foundation for shaping social elites with an international perspective who take national rejuvenation as their own mission. "Hundreds of oars compete, those who work hard are first." As a quality private school, Guolong Foreign Languages School will continue to carry forward the spirit of "Dare to be the first, dare to strive for the top" and uphold the tradition of "devotion to work, hard work, and willingness to sacrifice" in order to provide quality education that the people are satisfied with.
